Grown-Ups’ Guide to Friendship

Friendship Blog

Loneliness is a significant issue affecting many seniors, leading to adverse physical and mental health outcomes. Reduced mobility, the loss of loved ones, and retirement can contribute to feelings of isolation.

Recognising these challenges, Burnie Brae is dedicated to creating opportunities for social interaction and connection, helping seniors build and maintain meaningful friendships. Our programs and services are designed to create a supportive community where friendships flourish, enriching the lives of our members and mitigating the impacts of loneliness.

How can you get involved?

  • Social Clubs and Groups

We provide a range of social clubs that allow members to connect over shared interests. These gatherings provide a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, engage in stimulating conversations, and build lasting friendships. Our groups include a book club, crochet and knitting group, dance groups, OWN (Older Women’s Network) meetings, art classes and singing groups. Discover activities and upcoming events.

  • Health and Wellness Programs

Participate in our exercise classes, wellness workshops, and health seminars, where you can meet like-minded individuals and build lasting friendships. Our programs are designed to promote a healthy lifestyle while fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. Learn more

  • Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteering at Burnie Brae is an excellent way to make new friends while giving back to the community. Our volunteers often form close-knit groups, supporting each other and the centre. Whether you have a few hours a week or more to spare, your time and skills can make a significant difference. Volunteer with us

  • Support Services

Our in-home care and respite care, focus on providing assistance and companionship. Our dedicated staff form strong bonds with those they care for, ensuring that no one feels isolated or alone. Funding is available through Home Care Packages and the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. Contact our Care Service team on 3624 2121 to learn more or enquire online.

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