Transport services

in Brisbane North

Stay connected, active and on-the-go with Burnie Brae’s convenient Transport Services!

Need to hit the shops, attend a medical appointment or catch up with family and friends? We’re here to make it happen! Our affordable and accessible transport options are designed to keep you independent and on the move.

Personalised, Door-to-Door Transport
At Burnie Brae, we’re committed to helping you stay connected to your community and live life to the fullest. Our transport services are tailored to meet your individual needs, offering you the flexibility and comfort to travel with ease.

Shopper Bus

Need to grab some groceries or pick up a gift for a loved one? Skip the parking and traffic chaos! We can pick you up from your door, give you time to shop and then drop you back home.

Westfield Chermside: 9am - 11:30am
Taigum Square: 10:30am - 1pm

Aspley Hypermarket: 10am - 12:30pm

Stafford City: 9:30am - 12pm
Westfield Chermside: 11am - 1:30pm

Please note: we can't unpack groceries or assist inside your home (unless approved) and there's a four-bag limit. Contact our transport team if you exceed this limit.

Health & Wellbeing

Take the stress out of your day, whether you're heading to an important health appointment or just taking time for some self-care.

We can help you get to:

Social & Community Outings

Ready to get out and about, connect with your community and have some fun? Let us take you to your destination, hassle-free!

Whether it’s a visit to

Transport Features

Daily tasks

Flexible Home Transport

We offer home pick-ups and drop-offs for added convenience, giving you the flexibility to travel when it suits you. If you need a quick pick-up, we can usually arrange it within an hour. For appointments outside our regular hours, we can arrange transport with taxis at the standard rate.

Value for money

Value for Money

We want to make sure our services are accessible to everyone. Our fees are based on the distance traveled, with a standard fee for regular shopping trips. If you're eligible for government funding through the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) or a Home Care Package, you could qualify for reduced fees.


Accessibility & Support

We provide transport for all mobility levels with vehicles designed for comfort and safety. Our wheelchair-accessible vans and buses are equipped with hoists, and our drivers are trained to assist with mobility aids like wheelchairs and walkers, ensuring a smooth and comfortable journey.

Wellness initiatives

Health & Safety

Your safety and comfort are our top priorities. All our drivers are trained professionals who treat you with respect, and our vehicles are regularly maintained and insured. We also follow all safety protocols to ensure your journey is as safe as it is comfortable.

Transport Respite
Transport Di
Transport Respite2


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Am I within Burnie Brae's transport catchment area?

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How do I arrange my transport?

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How much does it cost to use Burnie Brae transport?

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Am I eligible for subsidised transport through government funding?

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I have mobility needs, how can your transport support me?

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When will my transport pickup occur and will I get a reminder?

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Can the transport driver wait during my appointment or while I run errands?

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How do I cancel my transport if needed?

Submit Enquiry

Call our friendly team at (07) 3624 2121 (select option 3) or send an enquiry below:

Is there anything we should know about your situation, needs or medical condition?
Select "subscribe" above, then choose your email preferences.

Information is securely protected and managed in compliance with our Privacy Policy.

I've been using Burnie Brae transport services for many years to get to appointments, grocery shopping and Day Respite. It's a reliable service and I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere without it, I use it up to 5 times a week.


Transport Driver, Nick always provides good conversation and has a demeanor should you feel unwell he makes you feel better!


I get Burnie Brae transport to and from the gym because it’s physically impossible for me to get there otherwise


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